May 12-13, 2001 -- Mt. Hood, South Side Route
Steve Dougherty ~ May 19, 2001
A promising weather forecast (free air freezing level about 13,000') made for near "tropical" climbing conditions. The climb team assembled at Mazama Lodge in Government Camp late Friday afternoon. A meal of fish, rice, rolls, squash and salad was served. Next year I will specify a pasta meal complete with desert. The climb team retired about 8:30 p.m. The team was wakened shortly after midnight and loaded into cars under clear skies at about 12:40 p.m. Our climb commenced about 1:20 a.m. There were many cars in the parking lot suggesting quite a few climbers were already on the mountain. I imagine the temperature was close to freezing, but possibly warmer. The team climbed slowly and steadily. Crampons were donned on a road created by snow cats at the top of the Palmer Chair Lift. Near Crater Rock Gary Servais began experiencing muscle cramping in his hamstrings. We took our longest rest break here, drinking and nibbling food. Gary made it to the hog's back but his leg cramping persisted. Regretfully he was unable to attempt the summit. Gary Servais is a very fine climber and has been promised a spot on next year's climb team. The remaining eleven climbers roped up in three rope teams. All groups on the mountain were scrambling over a small snow bridge to negotiate the bergshrund. Climbers could peer into the crevase as they passed. Nice steps had been formed by the many climbers before us, this made the climbing easier for our team. The wind was noticeably stronger as we traveled through the pearly gates. Ascending climbers stayed to the right to allow a clear path for the descending climbers. Our climb team summited shortly after 8:30 a.m. Nine of our eleven summited Mt. Hood for the first time. The view of distant mountains was obscured by clouds and haze. After about a half hour of rest and picture taking all three rope teams headed back down. Alan Phillips led the bulk of the team down to Timberline. Steve Dougherty stayed back to bring up the rear. Climb team members regrouped at Mazama Lodge, showered and debriefed. Thank you to Gary Servais and Alan Phillips for driving many of the climbing team back to Salem.

Alan Phillips ~ May 21, 2001
Steve, you should feel good about the popularity of your climbs. It speaks volumes. The Mazama Lodge approach to doing Mt. Hood is the way to go. I really enjoy that. There sure was a lot of people on the mountain, but it was fun talking to the other climbers and watching how people negotiated the bergshrund. Very successful introductory climb for the climb school graduates.