Mt. Adams via the South Side Route  (12,276')
Aug 8-9, 2009
Mt. Adams is Washington's second tallest peak. This climb is designed to introduce the new climber to the experience of making a "high camp" and consequently preparing the climber for climbs of bigger mountains like Shasta or Rainier. This climb will be limited to a party of 12.

Participants must successfully climb at least one summit or complete a long backpack during the three months before this climb.

1. Steve Dougherty 503-566-8899
Co Leader
2. Keith Hill 503-285-5819
Assistant Leader
Climb Team
3. Kerry Ketcham 503-348-7151
4. Chuck Bennett 503-743-2230
5. D ---------------------------- Private 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
6. Cynde Stuart (Alt) 503-949-5448
7. Cathy Lazarus 503-897-5219
8. Stephen Rockford 503-897-5219
9. Aaron Smith 503-910-8004
10. Matthieu Trudeau 617-981-0086
11. Scott Loveless 503-393-7456
12. John Coyier 541-740-6532

Sat. 8/8
8:00 AM - Depart the State Motor Pool Park & Ride on Airport Rd. (N. of Mission St.) and car pool to the Mt. Adams Ranger Station in Trout Lake, WA. ($15).
9:00 AM - Rest Stop at TA Truck Stop, Troutdale (McDonalds next door)
10:45 AM - Arrive at Trout Lake Ranger Station and purchase volcano passes.
11:00 AM - Depart Trout Lake Ranger Station.
11:30 AM - Arrive at Cold Springs Campground (5600').
12:30 PM - Hike the South Climb Trail #183 to the left edge of the Crescent Glacier (7900’).
3:30 PM - Make camp on the west side of the Crescent Glacier (7900’).
6:00 PM - Dinner
Sun. 8/9
4:00 AM - Wakeup
5:00 AM - Begin climbing (7900’).
5:10 AM - Put on crampons (8100')
6:30 AM - Arrive at the Lunch Counter (9,000’)
9:00 AM - Arrive at the False Summit also know as Pikers Peak (11,657').
10:00 AM - Arrive at summit (12,276’).
11:00 AM - Begin descent.
11:30 AM - Arrive at False Summit and glissade down Suksdorf Ridge.
2:00 PM - Arrive at camp site; pack up tents etc.; hike to trail head.
3:00 PM - Depart high camp (7900').
4:00 PM - Arrive at Cold Springs Campground.
4:30 PM - Drive to Trout Lake for dinner.
5:30 PM - Award climb certificates.
6:30 PM - Drive to Salem.
9:30 PM - Arrive at State Motor Pool Park & Ride on Airport Rd.

1. In case of accident, illness or other incapacity, the participant must pay for his/her own medical/evacuation expense, whether or not authorized by him/her.
2. Pets, firearms, radios (two-way radios are OK), and alcoholic beverages are not permitted on trips.

This description was taken from Summit Guide to the Cascade Volcanoes by Jeff Smoot.

The South Spur is the most popular and least technical route on the mountain. Mules made the ascent on a regular basis during the mining era. Hike South Climb Trail 183 to the left edge of the tiny Crescent Glacier and on to the "Lunch Counter," a flat area at about 9,000 feet. Ascend Suksdorf Ridge to the false summit (11,657'). Continue across a gentle saddle to the true summit.

The route is easy, with no special difficulty or danger, except possibly avalanches in early season. Although the route does cross the summit ice cap, if you stay on the route crevasses are not a problem. Bring crampons and ice axes. Glissading is the most popular method of descent, but should not be attempted when snow cover is insufficient to provide a safe run out. Some parties camp at the Lunch Counter, although the round trip is feasible from Cold Springs if you start early. This is a popular ski descent in early summer. (6-8 hours)

Check List
Food & Water
  collapsible water carrier (gallon)
  cup, bowl & spoon
  food & extra food
  water bottles, 2-32oz.

  base layer pants(synthetic)
  base layer top (synthetic)
  gloves, fleece
  hat, sun
  hat, warm
  jacket, rain
  nylon/polyester shorts (optional)
  pants, rain
  pants, warm wool or synthetic
  socks, liner & spares
  socks, thick wool & spares
  sweater, fleece
  warm synthetic jacket

  ice axe
  sit pad, ensolite (optional)
  sled, plastic roll-up (optional)
  treking poles (optional)
Handy Bag
  camera (optional)
  duct tape
  first aid kit
  head lamp
  lip balm (optional)
  matches & firestarter
  pocket knife
  tissue paper
  topo map & compass

  sleeping bag
  sleeping pad
  stove/pot (shared w/ cook group)
  tent (shared w/ tent mate)

Group Gear
  3 Talk-About Radios (channel 10 code 5)
  summit certificates

  Cascade Volcano Pass $15

2004 Toyota Camry (can drive or ride, from Salem) ~ 3 ~ 503-576-9628
1.  Chuck Bennett (Driver) ~ ~ 503-743-2230
2.  Kerry Ketcham ~ ~ 503-348-7151
3.  Scott Loveless ~ ~ 503-393-7456

'97 Voyager Van with buckets in the middle ~ 4 ~ 503-949-5448
1.  Cynde Stuart (Alt) (Driver) ~ ~ 503-949-5448
2.  Steve Dougherty ~ ~ 503-566-8899
3.  Cathy Lazarus ~ ~ 503-897-5219
4.  Stephen Rockford ~ ~ 503-897-5219

1996 Red Suburban (Will meet caravan in Troutdale) ~ 4 ~ 541-609-1074
1.  D -------------------------------------------------- (Driver) ~ 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 ~ Phone is Private

White Ford Excursion "The White Rhino" ~ 1 ~ 503-910-8004
1.  Aaron Smith (Driver) ~ ~ 503-910-8004

Driving Directions
Drive north on I-5. Take I-205 north to I-84. Head east on I-84. Take Exit 64 and cross the Columbia River on the Hood River toll bridge. Head west on Hwy 14 a short distance, then turn north on Hwy 141. This will take you to Trout Lake, WA. At Trout Lake turn left (west) and drive a mile or two to the Mt. Adams Ranger Station. We will obtain our climbing permits here. Return to Trout Lake and continue on Hwy 141 to Forest Service Road 8040 (the turnoff is well-marked as "Mount Adams Recreation Area". Follow the signs to Cold Springs Campground(5,600'). The last section of road is narrow and very rough. During the Summer of 2001 many large rocks were removed from the road making it some what easier to negotiate.
Round Trip Driving Distance:  290 miles
The suggested mileage donation is $26.10 @ 9 cents per mile.