Cascade Adventures Help
How do I ...
  • sign up for a trip?
  • New Users
    If you are new to the Cascade Adventures website you must enter yourself into the Cascade Adventures database before you will be able to sign up for a trip. It is easy to add yourself to the database, just click on the Trip Sign-Up link in the upper right corner of the main page. You are now at the User Login page. If your name is already listed, skip ahead to User Login.

    Click on the New User button. Please take a few minutes to enter some important contact information about yourself. You can always update this information in the future. Once you have entered your personal information into the system click the Submit Information button. If you did not fill out the form correctly, a message box will be displayed explaining what you must do. Click the OK button to return to the User Login page.

    User Login
    Your name should be visible in the list of user names. Simply select your name from the list, enter your password and click the Login button. If you logged in successfully, you are at the Trip Sign Up page. This page contains a list of all the trips Steve Dougherty is leading during the coming year. Click on the Info button to see a description of the trip and a wealth of other information. Once you have decided to sign up for a specific trip, click the Sign Up button associated with the trip. When you sign up for a trip an automated email is sent to Steve Dougherty. When Steve reads his email, he will determine if there are any spots left and whether you have adequate skill for the particular trip. You will receive an automated email when Steve takes action on your request. Your current trip status can be viewed on the Trip Roster.
  • cancel a trip sign up?
  • get my password emailed to me?
  • contact Steve Dougherty?
  • post a trip comment?
  • send "group emails" to the members of a trip?